KillerVideoStore Blog

Massive Purge of the Courses


I built my first video course in about 2003, and have been retiring courses over the years as needed.

Now that time has come again, where within the next few months, I will be retiring all of the older courses from the site.

… In fact, I plan to stop selling the vast majority. Yes, some still want to learn Dreamweaver CS3, CS5 and CS6 but their time has passed and so should the courses.

New courses for 2015-2016

I am currently building new courses that will be out very soon. Not only will they be up to date with the latest languages (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP) and development tools, they are created with a whole new style of teaching, that no one is doing.

… These are easily my best courses yet.

Expect to see the new courses to hit the store in October 2015.


Stefan Mischook

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