KillerVideoStore Blog

USB Thumb Drives Now Optional for DVD Courses


Digital download is not for everyone, so we offer DVD copies of all our courses and course packages. A lot of people demand it!

USB Thumb Drives – now optional.

We’ve been slowly fading out the DVD’s for the last year and had some people complain about it. I was surprised, since USB thumb drives are cool and reusable.

But, that was the problem that I did not consider – people like DVDs because you can’t accidentally delete files on them.

… I should have known better, since I use DVDs to backup my precious data for the long term. Disk drives are great but they can crash and you’ve lost your data. With DVDs, you are good for 10-20yrs.

So now, DVDs are what we send … unless you ask for the USB thumb drives.


Stefan Mischook

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