KillerVideoStore Blog

Why is PHP the best web programming language?


I moved away from Java years ago because PHP was clearly the language to get into … and that’s because:

  1. PHP is the most popular database driven language today and many of the Web’s top projects are built using PHP. This includes WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and many forums and shopping carts. If you know PHP, you will be able to work with these much more easily.
  2. PHP hosting is super common and cheap. Enough said.
  3. PHP runs fast, is easy to learn and you can find good PHP programmers more easily than say Java or Ruby programmers. Why? There are just a lot more to choose from.

That’s why we teach PHP and make it a priority in our training courses – we like to stay practical.

Stefan Mischook

Learn a CMS or Learn Dreamweaver?

Hey everybody!

Recently someone asked whether they should learn Dreamweaver OR whether should they jump into a CMS like Joomla or WordPress.

What is a CMS?

CMS is short for Content Management System, and are web based programs that you upload to the server and they provide word-processor like capabilities to your website – and much, much more.

To make an analogy: you can think of a CMS as being a restaurant buffet, where you have many prepared dishes to choose from, that you can use to create your meal. Where Dreamweaver is like an electric appliance, that helps you create a meal from scratch.

You can learn more about it here:

… The above link points to an older blog post, but it is still good.

Anyway, the core of this person’s questions, comes down to skill-set choices and choosing the best technologies to be able to:

1. Get the most work as a web designer.
2. And to be able to build the best websites.

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